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Copy Trading Software

(22 customer reviews)

Fastest Copy Trading Software:
Equity | Options-Futures | Commodity

Copy trading software in India is a tool that copies trades from a master account to multiple child accounts. This software is gaining popularity in India as the best copy trading in India.

For updates, join our Telegram channel: Or Search with the name “MyalgomateCopyTrading”.

WhatsApp for any doubts/queries @

The software’s pricing is based on a per account per month model. i.e. 1 Master + 1 Child = 2 Account (1K + GST)

Keep in mind that more brokers can be added upon request.

500.00 +18% GST

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What are the advantages of the Best copy trading software in India?

  • One Click Login All Account.
  • Simple setup process with a Multi-Broker copy & Cross-Broker copy.
    • Master: Zerodha
    • Child: IIFL / Finvasia / Etc.
  • Hassle-Free Automated Order Splitting.
  • Qty. Multiplier (Decimal Allowed) for each account having different Margins/Funds.
  • Segments Supported: NSE, NFO, MCX, CDS, BSE, BFO, BCD.
  • Child Account level Segment Configuration: Enable/Disable Segment for each child account and set Multiplier for each segment (e.g., 1 Multiplier for NSE and 2 Multiplier for NFO Segment).
  • Product Type Supported: MIS, NRML, CNC
  • Quick Start / Stop Copy Trading for Each Account.
  • Smart Execution: By utilizing both parallel and serial order execution, the system will prioritize the placement of buy orders followed by sell orders in cases where multiple orders are received simultaneously.
  • Most advanced Built-in safeguards to prevent infinite copy loops.
  • Convenient login and log-out functionality.
  • Real-Time Account Wise PnL and Funds
  • Copied Order window: This window displays the order relation between the master and child accounts, allowing you to export to an Excel file for a detailed overview of orders across all accounts. This feature is particularly important when you need to monitor live market activities. For instance, after placing an order in the master account, you can quickly check how many child account orders have been placed and their real-time order status.
  • Live Positions Dashboard:
    • Account Wise Position – Shows Individual Account position
    • Symbol-Wise Position – Shows Symbol-wise position available across all accounts
  • Live Summary Dashboard:
    • Account Summary – Active Accounts Summary
    • Position Summary – Total PnL, Total No., Open and Closed Position Count
    • Order Summary – Total, Complete, Trigger Pending, Canceled and Rejected Orders Count
  • It offers users pop-up and sound alerts, as well as Telegram alerts, in case any order is rejected in their child accounts.
  • Order Types ALLOWED: Market Orders, Limit Orders, SL-M Orders, SL-L Orders.
  • Order modifications SUPPORTED: Limit Price modification, SL orders -> Trigger and limit price modification, Canceling order

Best Copy Trading Software for Indian Stock Market | How to Copy Trade in India

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How to use Copy Trading Software?

Step 1:  Once you purchase the Copy trading tool from the Website you will get a desktop software EXE  file which needs to be installed

To install our copy trading software, you have two options: 

  1. on your local computer or 
  2. on a cloud machine.

If you choose to install it locally, make sure you have a power backup and a stable internet connection.
We strongly recommend using Cloud Machine for the use of Copy trading software for its advantages:

Performance: It’s faster because it runs directly on a dedicated server, ensuring swift order processing.
Ease of Monitoring: When installed on a cloud machine, you have the flexibility to access the software from any device like Mobile / PC / Laptop (Windows or Mac) from anywhere and anytime, so there’s no need to keep your system always ON.
Avoid System Issues: Many antivirus and firewall software can cause serious issues if installed on your system. To avoid such issues, using a cloud machine simplifies things.
Avoid Internet / Power Issues: Installing it on a cloud machine or VPS allows you to access it from anywhere with an Internet connection, providing convenient remote access.

Step 2: Setup Cloud Machine

  • Step 1 Create an account in AWS
Save credentials of login email ID and password.
It will ask for a Credit/Debit card and phone number. Please do that otherwise it won’t get activated.
In case if it asks for any plan, please select the free tier.

  • Step 2: Create free tier cloud machine
Visit the above link on how to create a free-tier Windows cloud machine.
Make sure you select the region as *Mumbai* from the top right corner.On successful completion, you will need to save the below details.

  1. AWS Login Email ID:
  2. AWS Login password:
  3. Public DNS:
  4. Username:
  5. Password:
    Note: Make sure you save all the details correctly to avoid future, if you forget any details you may need to create a new cloud machine


Step 3: Add All accounts(Master and Child) to the software

To add an account, you will need your broker login details along with broker API details.

Here You can set different multipliers for each child account.
[Child Account Quantity] = [Parent Order Quantity] * [Account Multiplier]

  • If the multiplier is set to 1, it copies the same quantity as the master account.
  • Setting the multiplier less than 1, e.g., 0.4, copies 40% of the master’s quantity to the child account.
  • A multiplier of 3 copies is three times the quantity to the child account compared to the master.
  • Decimal values like 0.05, 0.7, 0.9, 1.3, etc., are all valid options.
  • However, there are limitations when using fractional/decimal multipliers. Refer to the “Limitations on using A/C multiplier” section here for details.


Step 4: Login to all accounts 

Copy Trading Software Login 1

  • Select the All Account Checkbox to select all accounts but if you have added more accounts and want to use some of them then select those accounts one by one.
  • Select the master Account’s Checkbox and assign that account as master which you have initially given while purchasing the software. 
  • The Blue symbol indicates the master account selection in that account.
  • Click on the Login All button to log in to all accounts. If you have entered all the correct details then it will show you a success message in the status column. Your Name as per your Account will be displayed along with Available Funds. (see below image)

Copy Trading Software Login 2

  • Once done you need to click on the Proceed Button to sync the data and go ahead.
  • Agree to EULA to proceed further into the Copy Trading software.


Step 5: Start Copy Trading 

  • It will show Copy Trading Not Running in the status in red. (check the above image).
  • Click on the Start Copy Trading Button and the status will turn into Running and in Green Colour.
  • you’re ready to place the order in the Master Account. Your Orders will be Copied now. 

Copy Trading Software Start Copy


Step 6: Testing

Follow these guidelines to test the Myalgomate Copy Trading feature to reduce risks while using it with the live market:

Note: Make sure you use different scripts with low prices and good liquidity for each section you plan to use. For example, if you’re using Equity and FNO, test all scenarios with just 1 quantity or 1 lot before you start live trading directly

  • Place Limit order in the master account
    • Ensure the order is copied into child accounts.
    • Verify all order parameters like quantity/price / Trigger Price / Limit price in child accounts match the quantity multiplier.
  • Change Price in the same Limit Order in the master account
    • Ensure the change in order is copied to all child accounts. and order status across all child accounts are the same.
  • Cancel an order in the master account
    • Confirm that all child orders are canceled in respective accounts
  • Place Market order in the master account
    • Ensure the order is copied into child accounts and that the quantity matches as the multiplier is set.
  • Exit the position from the master account
    • Exit the position from the broker terminal which was executed with the above market order and check the same in all child accounts
    • Check the Positions Tab of the software to verify position across all accounts or All Symbol 


Step 7: Monitor / Investigate Trades

  • Symbol Wise Position Summary
    Copy Trading Symbol Wise Position
  • Account Wise Position Copy Trading Account Wise Summary
  • Copied Order Relation Copy Trading Software Copied Order

Step 8: Error Scenarios & Solutions

Sometimes things might go wrong because many systems are involved, like the infrastructure or the broker’s API or network issues.

  • What should I do if my order is fulfilled in Master but not fulfilled in Child account?
    • Myalgomate gives an additional feature for the same kindly refer to the Setting menu.
  • What should I do if my position is exited from the master’s but not exited in the child’s account?
    • In the software, there is an Exit button available
  • What should I do to cancel any Open LIMIT Order or SL Order? 
    • In the software, there is a Cance Order button available
  • What should you do if any order is not copied into the child’s account?
    • Check the Account status from the main Screen is it active?
    • Check the Copied Order screen to know if the order is Rejected in the child’s account there you will get a relational order book where you can track each order placed in the child’s account against the Master order ID.
    • Check the Logs section at the bottom of the software filter log section based on Symbol or Master Order ID
    • Still, if the Error is not identified reach out to our support team with the log file
  • How to get the log file of the software?
    • The button “Open Log Folder” is in the log section at the bottom of the Software screen.
    • You will see a date-wise folder available compress that folder via ZIP / RAR and send it to the support team for further investigation.

IMP Guidelines

Order Types ALLOWED:

  1. Market Orders
  2. Limit Orders
  3. SL-M Orders
  4. SL-L Orders
  5. MTF Orders (Only AngelOne to AngelOne Broker)

Order Types NOT ALLOWED:

  1. AMO (After Market Orders)
  2. Bracket/ Cover
  3. GTT (Good Till Traded), GTC (Good Till Cancelled)

Order modifications SUPPORTED:

  1. Limit Price modification
  2. SL orders -> Trigger and limit price modification
  3. Cancelling order
  4. Order type modification

Order modifications NOT SUPPORTED:

  1. Quantity modification
  2. Product type modification

Limitations on using A/C multiplier:

  • Both integer and decimal multipliers are supported.

If you are utilizing decimal multipliers such as 1.5 or 2.5, it’s important to note that partial profit booking and pyramiding may result in a residual quantity remaining open or may create the opposite position when exiting a position with a small quantity.

For FNO, we employ a round-down logic for quantity. For instance, if the calculated quantity based on the multiplier is 260 and the lot size is 50, it will be rounded down to 250. This poses a challenge when practicing pyramiding or partial booking. Therefore, when using a decimal multiplier, it is advisable to place orders for entry and exit with the same quantity. For instance, if you place a buy order for 500 quantities followed by a second buy order for 700 quantities, it is recommended to have two separate exit orders for 500 and 700 quantities, rather than a single order for 1200 quantities.

If part booking or pyramiding is essential in your trading strategy, we recommend using an account with the lowest quantity as the master account. Utilize integer multipliers and allocate capital accordingly in your child accounts.

Testing Guidelines:

  • Before fully integrating the software into your trading activities, we recommend taking the following steps for the initial 2-3 days. Since you are new to the software, it may take some time to become familiar with its functionalities.
  • Begin by experimenting with all order types using minimal quantities initially (e.g., 1 quantity for Equity and 1 Lot for Options). This is important due to potential variations in order placement formats among different brokers.
  • Additionally, test order splitting with some small orders.
  • Deliberately create scenarios, such as a child account order being rejected, to gain an understanding of how notifications are received and where you can find this information.
  • Once you have confidence that the software is running smoothly, and you are familiar with all its features and the display of information in different areas, only then proceed to use it extensively in your regular trading.

Software Configuration:

  • Configure all parameters, including enabling Splitting and Segment activation, and child a/c order rejection settings, in the settings of the copy trading software before starting.

VPS and Account Limits:

  • Be aware of the limitations of VPS; the free AWS tier versions may support Limted child accounts. If you exceed this limit, it might be necessary to consider using a paid VPS version. It’s important to note that there is no restriction on the number of child accounts you can add.
  • If you intend to run the software on your local system, it is essential to maintain a continuous internet connection with a minimum bandwidth of 2MBPS, along with uninterrupted access to electricity. Additionally, ensure that no other software disrupts your system, as these factors can impact the performance of the software.

User Proficiency:

  • Users should possess basic computer knowledge.
  • Software installation and credential entry must be done on the client side. Support teams are available for guidance.

Issue Resolution:

  • In case of any problems, promptly contact the support team.
  • Submit log files and a detailed explanation of the issue in writing as instructed for efficient issue resolution.

Advanced Settings

Copy Trading Enable / Disable Exchange and Segments:

Copy Trading Options

Copy Trading Setting For Auto Order Splitting:

Copy Trading Software Split Lots Settings

Copy Trading Setting Limit Order execution in Child Account:

  • When you’re placing a limit order or Sl-Limit order, the order may get executed in the master A/C but not in the child A/Cs due to liquidity.
  • In that scenario, you can choose from the following options:
  • Revise the order in child A/C to market
      • This option should be used only if you’re trading in instruments in which market orders are allowed. If you are trading in any instrument where market orders are not allowed, then it may fail to revise the order to market.
    • Revise limit price:
      • Ideally, we recommend this option to be used. It will revise the limit price.
    • Do Nothing:
      • If you don’t want to modify the order and wait for it to get filled then you can set “Do Nothing”. This option should be used with caution because if the order is not filled in child A/C and you place an exit order then there may be an error of order rejection due to a margin or opposite position getting created.
    • You can also set the of order revisions and intervals.

Exit button to exit positions through the software:

  • You can exit any particular position in any A/C, or all positions of all A/Cs, or exit a particular position across all A/Cs. (Add Screenshots)
  • We have provided with following order configuration which is applicable on the orders placed through the exit buttons.

Copy Trading Software Order Settings

Copy trading setting for order rejection :

  • When any order gets rejected in the child A/C, you can set multiple options to manage it.
    • You can stop copy trading when any order gets rejected in a child A/C.
    • You can set no of re-tries at a specified interval and if all retries get rejected then you can opt to stop copy trading or not.
    • You can set don’t stop copy trading if the order gets rejected without any retries. This option is useful when you’re doing option buying.
  • Choose the option wisely based on your requirements.

Copy Trading Software Rejection Settings

Telegram Settings to get live alerts:

Copy Trading Telegram



Pre Requisites

  1. Integration with the broker requires a Broker Account API. If there are any charges associated with using the API from the broker, the customer will be responsible for covering the cost independently.
  2. Infrastructure :
    1. Cloud Machine(Like Amazon AWS/Microsoft Azure/Google Cloud) can be used in Windows / MAC System
    2. If you opt for a Cloud machine, there is no other internet speed requirement or min computer requirement.


Copy Trading FAQ

Digital Marketing

Price: ₹500 + 18% GST per account per month.
Please note, that the Master Client ID is also considered as one account. So, at a minimum, you need to purchase one Master account and one Child account, which totals ₹1000 + 18% GST per month.
Discount Model:

  • Upto 10 A/Cs: No Discount
  • 11-50 A/Cs: Flat 10% Discount
  • 51+ A/Cs: Flat 15% Discount

While we don’t offer free trials, we do understand that getting started with our service may require some support. That’s why we recommend purchasing a minimum one-month subscription with one master account and one child account. This ensures you have all the tools and assistance you need to fully experience the value of our service. The cost for this comprehensive package is just ₹1000 + 18% GST, offering great value for the benefits you’ll receive.

You have the flexibility to use different brokers for both master and child accounts. You can even opt for a different broker for each child’s A/C account if you prefer.

Copy trading is an efficient way to manage multiple broker accounts in real-time.
When you decide to buy or sell something using your MASTER account, whether through a website, mobile app, or special software, our copy trading system swiftly replicates those actions across all your other CHILD accounts.
You can customize how much Quantity gets copied into each account by setting a multiplier. So, whether you’re trading manually or using algo tools, our copy trading system keeps all your accounts in sync.
Normally, if you’re manually trading across multiple accounts, you’d have to place orders and calculate quantities for each account individually, which consumes a lot of time and divides your focus from trading itself. With copy trading software, you only need to work on a single account. The software will automatically place orders into your other accounts, determining the quantity for you. This allows you to concentrate solely on your trading activities.

There’s no limit on the number of orders to be copied. Our system will efficiently copy all the orders you place, ensuring seamless execution of your trading strategy.

There is no limit on A/Cs that can be added. However, please note that the pricing structure is on a per A/C basis.

We support the following segments: NSE Equity, NFO Futures, NFO Options, BSE Equity, BFO Futures, BFO Options, and MCX. You have the option to enable or disable each segment. Only orders from the segments you’ve enabled will be copied.

Typically, orders are copied within 1 second. However, the speed may vary depending on the broker API and the infrastructure being utilized (Broker API responding time, Internet Speed, etc..).

There are two types of slippage: one is due to the latency of orders being copied, and the other is slippage due to liquidity. Orders are usually copied within one second. So, if you are using market orders, you may experience some small variation depending on the price movement that occurs within that one-second timeframe. If you place limit orders and all the quantity gets filled, then there won’t be any slippage. However, if there are fewer buyers or sellers available at your ask or bid price, then you may experience some slippage as the software revises the order price to get it filled. Slippages due to liquidity cannot be controlled.

The Copy Trading Software copies orders from your master account, whether they’re manually placed by you or executed through any other Algo.
However, there are certain limitations to consider. If you intend to use the same account for both your Algo and the copy trading software, your broker must allow either multiple API logins or provide multiple APIs.

  • For brokers like Finvasia, which allows only one login session through API and doesn't offer multiple APIs, you cannot simultaneously use the Algo and the Copy Trading Software.
  • Brokers like IIFL allow only one login session per API but provide multiple sets of APIs. Therefore, you can use different API sets for your Algo and Copy Trading Software to ensure they work concurrently.
  • Brokers like Zerodha permit multiple login sessions for the same API, enabling you to use the same API set for both Algo and the Copy Trading Software without any issues.

Yes, you can get alerts (Login, Logout, Order Rejection, Errors, Session expiration, etc..) to the telegram, check the setup guide for copy trading telegram alerts @:

Our copy trading software is available as a desktop-based application, giving you the flexibility to install it on your local computer or laptop, or on a cloud machine or VPS (Virtual Private Server).
If you are installing the software on your local PC/Laptop, ensure that you have power backup and a stable internet connection.
When installed on a cloud machine or VPS, you can access the software from anywhere with an internet connection, providing you with convenient remote access to your trading activities.
We prefer a desktop-based application as it has the following advantages:

  1. Performance: By installing the software locally or on a VPS, you typically experience faster execution speeds compared to web-based platforms. This is because the software runs directly on your machine or a dedicated server, minimizing latency and ensuring swift order processing. In web-based applications, execution happens on a single server of the service provider so it affects the speed of copying.
  2. Customization: Local installation allows for greater customization options tailored to your specific needs. You can configure the software according to your trading preferences and integrate it seamlessly with other tools or applications you use for trading analysis or management.
  3. Control: Installing the software on your own machine or VPS provides you with full control over your trading environment. You can manage security settings, data storage, and system resources according to your requirements, ensuring a secure and reliable trading experience. There have been instances in past where the service provider’s website goes down but the execution still happens in the background and in such cases, you are not able to control the software by any means which is very risky.
  4. Enhanced Stability:  In web-based platforms, issues affecting one client can cascade, impacting others due to shared resources while in desktop-based applications it doesn’t happen as you have your own independent software running.

You can use the copy trading software on a free-tier cloud machine, but there are limitations. If you’re managing 1-2 child accounts and placing 5-10 orders daily, the free tier is sufficient. However, as your trading activity increases, upgrading to a paid cloud machine with higher RAM and memory is recommended for improved performance. Think of it like using a small car for short trips with a few passengers. For longer trips and more passengers, larger and more powerful vehicles are needed for better performance.

The Copy Trading software will replicate completed orders as well as pending Limit orders, SL-M (Stop-Loss Market) orders, and SL-Limit (Stop-Loss Limit) orders that are trigger pending. For detailed information on supported order types and modifications, please refer to the guidelines:

Modifying the limit price and trigger price of an order will be copied to other accounts as well. However, please note that quantity modification is not supported. For more detailed information, please refer to the following link:

  • You can set different multipliers for each child account.
  • If the multiplier is set to 1, it copies the same quantity as the master account.
  • Setting the multiplier less than 1, e.g., 0.4, copies 40% of the master's quantity to the child account.
  • A multiplier of 3 copies is three times the quantity to the child account compared to the master.
  • Decimal values like 0.05, 0.7, 0.9, 1.3, etc., are all valid options.
  • However, there are limitations when using fractional/decimal multipliers. Refer to the "Limitations on using A/C multiplier" section herefor details.

You will need to calculate the multiplier value based on the funds available in your A/Cs. For instance, if your master account has ₹5 lakh available and your child accounts have margins of ₹10 lakh and ₹12.5 lakh respectively, you would set the multiplier to 2 for the first child account and 2.5 for the second.

We offer the following options to exit positions:

  1. Exit all positions of an A/C
  2. Exit a particular symbol position across all A/Cs
  3. Exit all positions in all A/Cs
However, please note that these options should be utilized when there is an issue with your Algo in your master account and it’s unable to place any orders.
If your algorithm also initiates the exit order and you manually exit using the exit button, it may result in opposite positions being created. Therefore, it’s advisable to first stop copy trading if you intend to use the exit buttons. Make sure to use it wisely so that it doesn’t create any opposite positions.
In the rare case of an issue from the broker’s API or the exchange’s side, you may need to exit directly from the broker’s terminal. Thus, it’s recommended to always keep all account details handy to manually log in anytime. While such occurrences are uncommon, it’s essential to be prepared for such scenarios.

We’ve provided the option to cancel pending orders through the software, but it’s important to use this feature judiciously to avoid creating any discrepancies between your master and child accounts.

If an order is rejected in the master account, it will not be copied to the child accounts.

22 reviews for Copy Trading Software

  1. Avatar Of Haris Mistri

    Haris Mistri

    Myalgomate Copy Trading software has been a lifesaver for me, effortlessly mirroring my trades onto my family’s accounts. It’s simplified managing multiple accounts.

  2. Avatar Of Mehul Parikh

    Mehul Parikh

    Good easy to use. Using for more then 2 months now.
    Crossbroker is good functionality.

  3. Avatar Of Mitesh Patel

    Mitesh Patel

    Using it for quite some time. good work

  4. Avatar Of Abdusuhaibe

    ABDUSUHAIBE (verified owner)

    Very Good Software… using it since 2 months now… my manual work has been reduced drastically. I am very thankful to myalgomate team for providing this software.
    The software meets my requirement and they have supported me a lot while configuring.
    Thanks for providing Support every time I have demanded and helping and explaining small details of the software.

  5. Avatar Of Purushotham

    purushotham (verified owner)

    I have been using this for more than an a month now and its been very useful for trades to my family account.
    User-friendly interface,clean layout that makes navigation a breeze. The design is intuitive, with well-labeled menus and easily accessible tabs and features, making it effortless on what needs to be achived. Have not faced any issue so far, its stable and dependable.

  6. Avatar Of Dhaval

    Dhaval (verified owner)

    Simply awesome software. Those who want to handle two accounts with exact same trades, this software is the perfect solution. Super simple interface, works with almost all top brokers. Execution speed is lightning fast, and that’s the thing we need as a trader or investor.

  7. Avatar Of Sathish Ashokan

    Sathish Ashokan (verified owner)

    I am using software for almost more than 8 months, Fantastic product. Excellent to work with multiple accounts. I am able to execute same trade in multiple account without hussle. Very good product. Special Thanks to Dharmesh. He has been supporting me for past 8 months.

  8. Avatar Of Jinto M J

    Jinto M J (verified owner)

    Myalgomate software is truely a great help for me… The UI and the team behind this really deserves great appreciation… Especially the helping mentallity of Mr. Dharmesh and Mr. Harsh is awesome… Hats off towards the team behind this….

  9. Avatar Of Santhosh

    Santhosh (verified owner)

    MyAlgoMate Copy Trading Software automates copying trades across my accounts, letting me focus on my main one. It’s fast and accurate, so I don’t need to constantly monitor others. This saves me time and helps avoid errors, boosting my overall efficiency. Plus, I can easily adjust my strategies for different markets. Mr.Harsh and the customer support team at MyAlgoMate is also great, providing quick and helpful responses to any questions I have. Highly recommended for those traders who handle / trade with multiple accounts at the same time.

  10. Avatar Of Mehulgiri Goswami

    Mehulgiri Goswami (verified owner)

    I am using this software more than a year, very good and easy to use, very helpful support by developers.

  11. Avatar Of Atchaya Kumar

    atchaya kumar (verified owner)

    using it for more than a year . solid software .

  12. Avatar Of Renuka Misser

    Renuka Misser (verified owner)

    A Game Changer for My Trades
    I’ve been using MyAlgoMate’s Copy Trading Software for over a year now. Let me share my experience and thoughts on this powerful tool.

    Seamless Account Integration Across Brokers:
    One of the standout features of Copy Trading is its ability to effortlessly link accounts across different brokers. Adding new accounts is a breeze. Whether I’m with Broker A or Broker B, this software ensures a smooth process.

    Holistic Trade Review in One Window:
    The consolidated view of trades across all my linked accounts is a game-changer. No more switching tabs or logging in separately to each broker’s platform. Having everything neatly organized in one window allows me to make informed decisions efficiently.

    Flawless Execution with Detailed Logs:
    Copy Trading’s execution process is flawless. The step-by-step logs provide transparency, allowing me to trace every action.
    Whether it’s entry points, stop-loss adjustments, or profit-taking, I appreciate the meticulous record-keeping.

    Responsive Support from the MyAlgoMate Team:
    Kudos to the MyAlgoMate support team! Whenever I’ve had queries or needed assistance, they’ve been prompt and helpful.
    Knowing that help is just a message away adds to my confidence in using this software.

    While Copy Trading is nearly perfect, I’d love to see a feature for managing trades across different clients through the Copy Trade window. This enhancement would further streamline my workflow.
    In summary, Copy Trading has transformed my trading experience. If you’re serious about trading, give it a try—you won’t be disappointed.

  13. Avatar Of Haresh

    Haresh (verified owner)

    Copy Trading software is simply awesome . No words found to describe. It makes trade in all accounts of family members at lightening speed with minimum slippage. . It is so simple ane user friendly as well.

  14. Avatar Of Ajay Ramani

    Ajay Ramani (verified owner)

    I am using this copy treding software more than a one an half year, very good software and easy to use, very helpful support by developers.

  15. Avatar Of Samyak

    Samyak (verified owner)

    Brilliant team, top notch softwares and tools.
    Kudos to the team 👏🏻

  16. Avatar Of Ujwal Ranjan

    Ujwal Ranjan (verified owner)

    Great execution and simplicity. Support from the team is great👍

  17. Avatar Of Laxmi


    Service is Good

  18. Avatar Of Ashwin Kasliwal

    Ashwin Kasliwal (verified owner)

    We have been using Myalgomate copy trading software for more than a year now. It works really well even when broker glitches sometimes in volatile market but trades get copy smoothly without a delay. We are relieved to find a perfect solution for our problem.

  19. Avatar Of Ayush

    Ayush (verified owner)

    I have been using this software for more than a month. I loved the seamless and fast execution to the child accounts. Special thanks to Dharmesh for solving all my queries on time and introducing the features which I requested.

  20. Avatar Of Manoj

    Manoj (verified owner)

    Easy to operate software
    Stable operation
    Good support from support team Dharmeshji

  21. Avatar Of Manickam

    Manickam (verified owner)

    Very nice software, copy trading software I am using since last 5 months, really very good, awesome customer support. Keep on improving the software. Really reduced the lot of manual work for operating different account. Thanks to the team Myalgomate

  22. Avatar Of Kk

    KK (verified owner)

    It is the best copy trading software, it has lot of unique features and working seamlessly without delay, best wishes

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