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Product Details

TradeMate – Best Options Trading Tool

(3 customer reviews)

Discretionary Options Trading

TradeMate is your ultimate options trading platform focusing on index options, providing comprehensive live trading assistance to streamline your trade flow. With our cutting-edge tradeflow algo, enjoy lightning-fast execution, boosting your confidence in live or paper trading across various indexes. Plus, with automated order splitting for hassle-free trading.

Indexes: Nifty | Bank Nifty | Fin Nifty | Midcap Nifty | Sensex | Bankex

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1. Starter plan: Get a 50% DISCOUNT on the 1st monthly subscription. Use coupon code “trademate” at the time of checkout. (Applicable one time per client ID)
2. Open Demat A/c with us and get a FLAT 50% Discount on the yearly plan.



What are the advantages of Myalgomate’s Trademate Execution Tool?

  • Simple Desktop software with a Simple and Clean UI.
  • All 5 Index Options (NIFTY, BANKNIFTY, FINNIFTY, MIDCAP NIFTY,  SENSEX, and BANKEX) are Available more will be available Soon.
  • Facility to do Paper Trade and Live Trade.
  • Place Limit Order or Market Orders you can pre-define, Limit Order Configuration for Limit Orders.
  • Custom Buttons for Add, Move, Exit Strikes.
  • You can Flip the Strikes from Buy to sell or Sell to buy with 1 Click or You can Flip positions from Put side to call side or vice versa.
  • Direct Entry from Live Options Chain. The System allows you to buy or Sell from the Options chain you can enter individual legs or Combined Legs.
  • Automatic Order Splitting, Traders who place orders with very huge Quantities Like 25,000-50,000 Qty, instead of placing it manually can place the order with just a single buy/sell button.
  • Spot Price, nearest monthly Future, and Nearest Weekly Future Price for all Index available in Option Chain and Strategy Template.
  • Pre-defined strategy legs Short Straddle, Strangle Iron Fly Bull Spread, Bear Spread, etc.
  • Four Strategy Mode Available: Immediate, Time-based, Underlying, Option Premium based.
  • The underlying strategy has 3 Options: Spot, Future, and Synthetic Future Underlying.
  • Option Premium-based Entries have Individual/Combined LTP options available.
  • In all these strategies, strike selection can be made Direct strike, ATM points based, Closest Premium based.
  • Strategy Monitor to track every strategy that is Running, Pending, Stopped, etc.
  • Index-wise MTM with MTM High and MTM low with Total Delta and Total Decay available in the current position.
  • RMS Settings: You can set Max Profit, Max Loss, Protect Profit, and Exit Time. It can be updated at any point in time. Max loss has options like Immediate exit, Delayed Exit, and Tick based Exit.
  • You can also choose if you want to Exit all legs or Exit only sell legs.
  • Live MTM Telegram Alerts.

Product Demonstration :


Trademate Bullish Strategy

Receive Telegram Notifications:

  • Stay informed with instant Telegram notifications for software errors.
  • Configure the system to send real-time Mark-to-Market (MTM) updates at your chosen intervals.

Live Option Chain

Quick Entry into Straddles/Strangles(Live Option Chain):

  • Comprehensive Options Data: Observe real-time prices for straddles and strangles across all strike options, accompanied by their combined Last Traded Price (LTP).
  • Effortless Trading: Users can quickly buy or sell either the entire straddle/strangle or individual Call (CE) and Put (PE) options with a single click.
  • Automatic Order Splitting: The system will automatically divide orders by your configured settings for larger quantities.


Live Option Chain

Add / Exit / Move

Pyramid positions with a single click:

  • Quick Add Position: Select from predefined configurations to add 25%, 50%, or 100% positions with a single click, or create a custom button to add your desired quantity.
  • Configuration Control: Easily configure these options in your settings to simplify and streamline your user interface.
  • Clean UI: Maintain a clutter-free interface by disabling any unused options.

Trademate Add Setting

Complete/Partial Exit with a single click:

  • Quick Exit Position: Select from predefined configurations to exit 25%, 50%, or 100% positions with a single click, or create a custom button to exit your desired quantity.
  • Configuration Control: Easily configure these options in your settings to simplify and streamline your user interface.
  • Clean UI: Maintain a clutter-free interface by disabling any unused options.

Trademate Exit Setting

Single click Adjustments:

  • Easy Position Adjustment: Quickly modify your option positions with a single click, allowing for up to a two-strike adjustment in either direction.
  • Adjustment Options: Choose from predefined adjustments – 25%, 50%, or 100% – or create a custom move quantity button for gradual shifts.
  • Configuration Control: Easily configure these options in your settings to simplify and clean up your user interface.
  • Transition Choices: When transitioning to a new strike, decide whether to move to the next immediate strike or one strike further.
  • Clean UI: Keep your interface clean by disabling any unused options.

The delay between exiting the old position and taking the new position(In seconds)

The delay (in seconds) between exiting an individual option position and taking a new one to avoid rejection due to margin constraints.
If you maintain an additional margin then you can keep 0.

Trademate Move Setting

Quick Flip

Quick Flip BUY / SELL

Enable automatic flipping of buy positions to sell positions with the flip button.
If you have a buy position of 100 quantities in any option contract, it will exit the buy position and sell another 100 quantities to flip the position.

Quick Flip CE / PE

Enable automatic conversion of buy positions from Call Options (CE) to Put Options (PE) and vice versa with the click of the flip button.
If you have a buy position of 100 quantity in a CE, it will exit the same position and buy the PE with the same quantity and strike.

Other Setting related to Flip Functionality:

The delay between flipping sell positions and buy positions :

It will flip sell positions first.
The delay (in seconds) between the start of flipping of sell positions and flipping buy positions to avoid rejection due to margin constraints.
If you maintain an additional margin then you can keep 0.

Individual Option Position Flip Delay (secs) :

The delay (in seconds) between exiting an individual option position and taking a new one to avoid rejection due to margin constraints.
If you maintain an additional margin then you can keep 0.

Trademate Flip Setting

Order configuration

Order Splitting & Order Configuration:

  • When the quantity exceeds the specified freeze limit, it will automatically divide into multiple orders.
  • Order Types: Limit / Market
  • Product Types: MIS / NRML
  • Order filling mechanism for limit orders:

For limit orders,

Setting the Limit Price: You have the option to set the limit price using a Limit buffer %/Pts. For instance, if you set the limit buffer to 2 points, and the Last Traded Price (LTP) is 100, it will place a sell order with a price of 98.

Order Execution Timeout: In case the order doesn’t get executed within the specified time frame, you can choose from the following options:

  1. Automated Order Modification: Modify the order to a market order after X seconds.
  2. Periodic Limit Price Adjustment: Adjust the limit price at regular intervals of X seconds.

Trademate Order Setting

Strategy Templates

Index Selection:

Choose the relevant index from the provided dropdown list: Nifty | Bank Nifty | Fin Nifty | Midcap Nifty | Sensex | Bankex

Validity Options:

  • Select one of the three validity modes for the strategy:
    1. Current Day
    2. Applicable until the Defined Date
    3. Applicable until Execution

Entry Order Preferences:

  • Specify the preferred entry order for all legs:
    1. – Buy first, then Sell
    2. – Sell first, then Buy

Entry Modes:

  • Immediate Entry:
    Choose the strategy type (Neutral/Bullish/Bearish).
    Simultaneously enter the market with multiple legs.
    No restrictions on adding legs to the strategy template.

    • Select the strike using:
      • Direct Strike
      • ATM Points
      • Closest Premium
  • Time-based Entry:
      • Define a specific time to enter or exit the market with multiple strikes.
      • Select legs from predefined options or manually input legs into the strategy template.
  • Underlying-based Entry:
    Enter the market based on underlying breakout or breakdown at specified levels.

    • Choose the underlying source:
      • Spot
      • Nearest Future
      • Nearest Weekly Synthetic Future
  • Option-based Entry:
    – Place orders based on option prices.
    – Choose Individual LTP or Combined LTP for Multi-leg entry.
    – Execute Multi-leg entries based on individual scans at a particular LTP.
    – Select the strike directly or based on ATM.

Reverse Functionality:

Utilize a single button to switch the entry type – from Buy to Sell or Sell to Buy.

Strategy Monitoring:

  • Display all entered strategies in the strategy monitor.
  • Perform actions such as Edit, Delete, Copy, Stop, or Start on strategies at any given time.
  • The Status column will indicate the strategy’s current status – whether it’s Pending, Triggered, Stopped, etc.

Trademate Strategy Templates

Strategy Templates:

  • Neutral Strategy Templates:

Trademate Neutral Strategy

  • Bullish Strategy Templates:

Trademate Bullish Strategy

  • Bearish Strategy Templates:

Trademate Bearish Strategy

RMS Features

Risk Management Options:

Trademate Rms Setting

Max Profit
    • If the MTM crosses the “Max Profit” threshold, it will exit all positions. For example, if you have set the “Max Profit” at 10,000, then whenever the MTM reaches 10,000, all positions will be exited.
Max Loss
    • If the MTM crosses the “Max Loss” threshold, it will exit all positions. For example, if you have set the “Max Loss” at -10,000, then whenever the MTM reaches -10,000, all positions will be exited.
    • While setting the maximum loss, if you are just starting trading, the “Max Loss” value should be negative. You can also set the “Max Loss” value to a positive number once your MTM is considerably positive. For example, if your current MTM is running at 50,000 and you want to exit positions if it goes down to 30,000, then you need to set positive 30,000 in “Max Loss”.
Time-Based Exit
    • You can set a time at which it will exit all the open positions. You can also mention which positions to exit as explained in the “Positions to Exit” section.
Don’t Sell Exit Position Above
    • If you have enabled this option with a price of, say, 500, then whenever a maximum profit, maximum loss, or Lock & Trail-based exit occurs, it won’t exit any options with a sell position and a price above 500.
    • Please note, that this does not apply to any other type of exit, including master maximum profit and maximum loss.
Max Profit/Loss Check @

You can configure the interval for checking the max profit-based exit and max loss-based exit individually for both. Below are the different modes that you can set.

    • Every Tick:
      If you set the mode to “Every Tick” then it will check the “Max Profit/Loss” at every tick. It will exit positions whenever it crosses the respective value.
    • 1 Minute:
      If you set the mode to “1 minute” then it will check if the Max Profit/Loss is hit at every one-minute interval, such as 09:16:00, 09:17:00, and so on. If you configure the settings at an odd time, say 09:20:50, then it will start checking from 09:21:00 onwards.
    • 5 Minute:
      If you set the mode to “5 minutes,” then it will check if the Max Profit/Loss is hit at every five-minute interval, such as 09:20:00, 09:25:00, and so forth. If you configure the settings at an odd time, say 09:22:30, then it will start checking from 09:25:00 onwards, aligning with the next five-minute interval.
Exit Modes:

You can configure the “Exit modes” individually for both “Max Profit” and “max Loss”. Below are the different modes that you can set.

    • Immediate
      If “Immediate Exit” is selected, it will immediately start exiting positions when “Max Profit/Loss” is triggered.
    • Delayed Exit
      If “Delayed Exit” is selected, it will wait for a specified number of seconds once MTM crosses the “Max Profit/Loss” threshold. You can specify the no of seconds.
    • Ticks
      If you have set the mode to “Ticks” and specified 5 ticks, then it will wait for 5 consecutive ticks above/below the Max Profit/Loss thresholds and then exit. If you don’t get consecutive 5 ticks, then it will reset the counter.
Positions to exit:

You can configure the “Positions to exit” individually for “Max Profit”, “Max Loss”, and “Time-Based Exit”. Below are the different modes that you can set.

    • Exit All Positions
    • Exit All Loss Making Positions
    • Exit All Profit Making Positions
    • Exit All Sell Positions
    • Exit All Sell Profit Making Positions
    • Exit All Sell Loss Making Positions
    • Exit All Buy Positions
    • Exit All Buy Profit Making Positions
    • Exit All Buy Loss Making Positions
Protect Profit

The following modes are available for the “Protect Profit” feature.

    • Lock Minimum Profit:
      • Assuming the “If Profit Reaches” parameter is set to 10000 and the “Lock Min Profit At” parameter is set to 5000.
      • When the profit reaches 10000, the system will lock the minimum profit at 5000.
      • All positions will be exited when the MTM decreases to 5000.
      • This action is performed only once.
    • Trail Profits:
      • Assuming the “Increase in Profit” parameter is set to 5000 and the “Trail Min Profit by” parameter is set to 3000.
      • The system will trail the minimum profit by 3000 for every 5000 increase in profit.
      • When the profit reaches 5000, the minimum profit will be locked at 3000.
      • When the profit reaches 10000, the minimum profit will be locked at 6000.
      • The locking of the minimum profit continues for subsequent increases in profit.
    • Lock & Trail Profits:
      • This mode first locks in the profit at the “Lock Min Profit” value, then begins trailing profits.
      • For example, if “Profit Reaches” is set to 10000, and “Lock Min Profit At” is set to 5000, with an increase in profit of 5000 and a “Trail Min Profit by” value of 3000:
      • When your profit reaches 10000, the minimum profit will be locked at 5000.
      • When your profit reaches 15000, the minimum profit will be locked at 8000.
      • When your profit reaches 20000, the minimum profit will be locked at 11000, and so on.
    • Trail Max Loss:
      • With max profit and max loss both set at 10000, and trail max loss X and Y at 1000 and 500 respectively:
      • As MTM increases from 0 to 1000, the max loss will be trailed from -10000 to -9500.
      • As MTM increases to 1500, the max loss will be trailed to -9000.


3 reviews for TradeMate – Best Options Trading Tool

  1. Avatar Of Ashwini Kumar

    Ashwini Kumar (verified owner)

    Best tool for hassle free trading on 0DTE, Execution is top notch…

  2. Avatar Of J D (@Jd_Optiontrader)

    J D (@JD_optiontrader) (verified owner)

    I’ve been using TradeMate for the past month, and I must say, I’m thoroughly impressed. The trade execution is top-notch, with features like moving away and moving close, along with other risk management tools that are simply superb. Moreover, the customer support is just amazing. Their team is always approachable and willing to help even after the purchase of the product.
    I recently requested them to add a feature that would better suit my trading style, and they delivered it exactly as I had hoped.

  3. pravin shekhar (verified owner)

    I have been using this tool for some time. Software is quite useful in placing strangle and straddle orders and managing them through one click. Execution is very good without lags. Their customer support is very approachable, considerate and open to feedback. They have lot of upcoming features in the software which is very exciting,looking forward, thanks

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